Does dating mean your in a relationship?


When you start seeing someone, and it’s going pretty well, it can be hard to gage whether or not the relationship will turn into something more serious. In a perfect world, your S/O would say, “Hey, this is great. I think we should treat it seriously.” But of course, that’s not a happening in 2017. The year of lip kits & Trump.

Milennial dating really falls in to one of two categories these days:1. a Tinder hotflash aka countless right swipes, casual drinks and hook-ups with a wide variety of people or 2. Perma-casual dates, meaning that you and your S/O have been dating for legit months without any conversations as to what you are or what you’re doing.

Sometimes, people can suffer serious damage from relationships past and get wary about committing to someone new. And while that’s super fair, it can definitely scare the people they’re dating into thinking they’re noncommittal or straight up not into them. After a month or two of consistent dating, it would be nice to get some sort of green light as to what’s happening in your relationship. Here are some signs that your S/O is seriously into you, even if they haven’t said all that much yet.

1. They show you off

If your partner is showing you off to family or friends, you’re definitely a step closer to locking everything down. You go on dates out in public instead of Netflix & Chilling in his basement? Amazing. He’s not afraid to be seen with you and in fact, wants people to see that you guys are together. Meeting friends and family is definitely a bigger step because you’re entering into a part of their life that’s special. They want you to be there and also, want their friends and family to feel you out. If you get the green light from mom and dad? That’s huge. And definitely serious.

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2. You’re ‘doubling up’

​​​​​​​Meaning that you guys are hanging out as a couple, even if other people are around. You’re going to parties together, to bars or on double dates as this cool, cute team. If your partner is bringing you out to group dates or to hang with their friends, they most likely wanna see how you fit in with their group. If they ask you on a double date: say yes!!

3. They change plans for you

This doesn’t mean that they’re turning down a summer in Paris like Lauren Conrad. (That was insane and also, Jason was an asshole.) But re-arranging their schedule to fit you in is exactly the kind of thing someone does if they seriously wanna spend time with you. It’s one thing to hang out whenever you’re free, but another to actually fit someone into your life because you want them to be there. Are you guys planning little trips months in advance? Talking about each other’s birthdays or big holidays? Planning and compromising are two huge parts of commitment which mean that serious verbal commitment is soon to follow.

4. They put you on their social medias

Are you in their stories? On their Instagram? Maybe in a Facebook album somewhere? It’s a definite sign that they want people to know that you’re together. Ambiguous or hidden social media can seriously sketch people out as a sign that your partner isn’t looking for real commitment. We’re not saying you demand selfies post-sex or anything like that, but see if they’re open to putting pics of you on their platforms.

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