
Fashion Fiesta Wrapped In A Week


Creative sensational from different parts of the world taking style, beauty and definition of fashion to its edge, promotional linchpin ...

Holiday Party Entertainment – How to Use Entertainment to Make Your Party a Smashing Success!


If you’re planning a holiday party this year some kind of entertainment may be a great addition as a part ...

Cultural Differences: Different Time ‘Zones’ (Part-1)


In the quest of building a strong global identity, organizations are realizing more and more culture related issues which, when ...

Organizational Culture And The Need For Jesters


Each one of us spends most of our lives responding to the environment which consists of other people responding to ...

How To Hire Entertainers – A Guide to Hiring Entertainment for Company and Private Parties


A Word About Agents In the article ‘How to Plan a Banquet,’ we included a limited discussion about entertainment, and ...

How To Understand Cross-Cultural Analysis


Cross-cultural analysis could be a very perplexing field to understand with many different viewpoints, aims and concepts. The origins of ...

Celebrity Makeup Secrets: How To Get Your Best Look Ever With Celebrity Tips And Products!


Why does celebrity makeup always look so perfect? Celebrity makeup artists have tons of tips and techniques for applying makeup ...

Cycle of Fashion Trend


It’s a fashionista’s worst experience, even worse than looking oversize buddy, more degrading than wearing the same dress in another ...

Indian Fashion Industry


With the end of the 20th century came the end of all hype which has created a more practical and ...

Globalization Consequences on Cultural Studies


It is fair to say that the impact of globalization in the cultural sphere has, most generally, been viewed in ...