Fire Rated Expansion Joint


It is a single unit that is rated as fire rated expansion joint known as Emshield WFR2 it eliminates all the needs of different additional fire stops and many different joints for multiple uses of different separate products and for joints gap to perform various roles of bridging, sealing and for fire rating joints.

Know about two types of it?

It is the series of a second fire rating expansion joint that is released for EMSEAL. It can be identified easily and can be well known as EMSEAL can be joined with other joint EMSHIELD DFR2, or with EMSEAL, s deck fire-rated expansion joint, to create different and continuous fire-rated expansion systems in both planes as well as in the factory of fabric that is in the direction of changes between two different planes vertical and horizontal plane.

How is it made?

It has fire retarding qualities that impregnated foam is produced in a factory with having pre-coated foam of outside and inside coats and it has intumescent material which is fireproofing.

It has a silicone both coated sides, this coating of silicone is offering a new choice of 12 different standards of color to coordinate with the surroundings of all the wall colors. As resulting in composite than a factory of compressed or less than different sizes for its installation into the other openings or in structural openings.

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